PRF Hair Restoration

PRF Hair Restoration

If you suffer from thinning, weak, brittle hair but don’t want to turn to invasive hair restoration procedures that are costly and unreliable, we have a solution for you. PRF Hair Restoration, also known as PRF Hair Treatment or PRF Therapy is a non-invasive procedure that reverses hair thinning and loss through platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). PRF is comprised of natural growth factors and essential nutrients that stimulate hair growth at the follicle and promote hair density. PRF injections lead to thicker, healthier hair and increased self-confidence for both men and women. 


PRF is injected or microneedled into areas of the scalp to deposit growth factors that promote collagen production and stimulate blood flow in the treatment area, leading to thicker, fuller, healthier hair.
Most patients require four treatments scheduled 4-6 weeks apart. The best results are seen approximately 4-9 months after injections, and new hair growth is detected.
PRF begins with extracting platelet-rich plasma from your own blood sample. The PRF serum will be injected into the scalp or microneedled to boost cell proliferation and hair regrowth through targeted tissue regeneration.
Platelet-rich fibrin releases growth factors into the scalp to treat hair loss at the root. Some patients have reported results as soon as three weeks after treatment, while most see an improvement over several weeks or months.
PRF injections work best when targeting:
  • Chronic hair loss (male and female pattern baldness).
  • Acute hair loss (postpartum hair loss).
The best candidate has brittle, weak, or thin hair. However, we cannot treat areas of long-standing baldness or “shiny” bald spots.
Visible results can take 6-12 months. We will take photos at each appointment to monitor your progress. Maintenance injections are required for those who want to maintain results for many years.

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