PRF Therapy

PRF Therapy

PRF, or platelet-rich fibrin, encourages enhanced collagen production, accelerated tissue regeneration, and healing through natural growth factors. Contact Beauty Couture in San Antonio, TX to explore a range of services, including PRF Hair Restoration, Dysport,Hydra Facial, Exosomes and many more to experience the benefits of advanced treatments for enhanced beauty and well-being.

PRF Therapy is commonly used to treat

PRF is effective when treating the following concerns

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  • Dark circles
  • Hair loss
  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Scarring
  • Brown spots
  • Volume loss
  • Deep folds in the skin

PRF therapy is multifunctional and can be administered through injection or microneedling.

PRF uses your own platelets and leukocytes extracted from your blood sample taken at the beginning of your appointment. PRF therapy has been clinically proven to emit a larger concentration of growth factors over a prolonged period of time for maximum benefits.

Ready to upgrade your dermal filler or microneedling experience with PRF? Book an appointment with Beauty Couture Aesthetics today!


Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) releases natural growth factors that enhance collagen regeneration and accelerate the healing process when injected or topically applied to the skin. PRF injections can improve the appearance of dark circles, brown spots, tear troughs, acne scarring, wrinkles, and fine lines.
Most patients require at least four treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart. You will see considerable improvements in the skin in 4-9 months post-treatment. PRF injections can be repeated until you achieve your desired results.
There is no downtime after PRF injections! You may experience redness, bruising, or swelling, but symptoms will subside within a few days.

PRF has demonstrated promising results in under-eye rejuvenation, making it potentially worth considering for those seeking non-surgical cosmetic enhancements; however, individual outcomes may vary.

The results of your PRF treatment generally last between 6-12 months. Still, results vary depending on the treatment area and other individual factors.

Individuals with certain medical conditions or blood disorders may not be candidates for Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) therapy.

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